Then, click on the link, but leave your mouse button clicked down for a little bit to see how the active style changes the color of the link to black. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used to format the layout of a webpage. The web was founded on links. Touch behaviour should be part of the basics now, shouldn’t it?Oh absolutely! By default, this is set to underline for links. Now, we have a pretty fancy link that looks like a button with proper interactive cues.We’ve covered quite a bit of ground here, but it merely scratches the surface of how we can control the style of links. Links in HTML even look different from regular text without any CSS styling at all. Here’s our link using those techniques:Great! Certainly could have, but was mainly concerned with states on links that have an On a high level, one could consider the anchor element as “action” element – as denoted by the So, yeah, it could look like a button – just as long as it facilitates the action.In addition to MHLut, John Pisello and xfq I would emphasize the importance of the :focus style as essential for Keyboard users.
Just style it as an inline link! If you have important information to share, please All we need to do is target the Want to use a different font, change the color, remove the underline and make it all uppercase? *Drops the mic Ahhmm.

Whatever the reason, CSS lets us style links just we can any other element. The link itself looks good, but it now looks surprisingly like a button! color, font-family, background, etc.

Set an image as the list item marker 4. Set different list item markers for ordered lists 2. Touch is mentioned at the top and these basics largely apply in both cases, with exception to Just a reminder that not everyone “hovers” on links. We’re pretty used to the standard black arrow:We can change the arrow to a hand pointer on it’s hover (Whew, that’s much nicer! Now, let’s use the state-altering powers we learned in the last section to make our faux-button more interactive. Make an individual link not have an underline If you want only one link not to be underlined on your web page, you can create a link similar to the code below.

Maybe you have an aversion to underlines.
If you’re ready to level up, then here are a few resources you can jump into from here:It sometimes needs to be explicitly stated–definitely not suggesting a change, though I’m sure there are use cases for it.if you dont have and href attribute, it will not automatically turn into a pounter.The could be times where the button or link element can do something other than just being pressed (hand/pointer finger change). Finally, let up on the mouse button and the link should turn purple before it’s technically been visited.Links seem like a simple concept, but boy do they have a lot going on—and CSS gives us some incredible power to customize the experience!Like other HTML elements, CSS can add background colors and padding to links that allow us to create the appearance of a button. At the very least, you will need to know how to insert CSS and HTML into a web page. Keyboard users “focus” on them, and it’s important that those users can distinguish when a link has focus. That’s a link in it’s purest form.But what if we want to change things up a bit? The web was founded on links. But why stop there? You can do so anywhere in the The non-underlined link appears like this on your web page: For example, a focus on clear underlines, maybe a different background on hover, clear color contrast.I don’t think the point of the post is to debate if styling a link to appear like a button is a good idea or not — see the resources at the end that go deeper into the debate.I’ve been back and forth on the issue of styling links in my personal projects, as well as in our code at work, and I’ve decided I’m removing the assumption from my stylesheets that all Our app at work is a platform of legacy systems and a few newer products I’m building, and through out the system there is a mishmash of My problem with this is, semantically speaking, the From here I can qualify different links with modifier classes, ala Bootstrap, allowing my I’m missing mentioning the behaviour for touch devices. The idea that we can click/tap a link and navigate from one web page to another is how Links in HTML even look different from regular text without any CSS styling at all.They are blue (purple if visited). With CSS, you can control the color, font, the size of text, the spacing between elements, how elements are positioned and laid out, what background images or background colors to be used, different displays for different devices and screen sizes, and much more! Links might temporarily be unavailable or unavailable under certain conditions or time frames. There are CSS variations that all have a use and reason – I’m not 100% sold here yet. The CSS property that handles underlining is text-decoration. They are underlined. In HTML, there are two main types of lists: 1. unordered lists (