GCSB's XKeyscore Rules . Let's assume, for the moment, that somebody has taken an open-source deep-packet-inspection project like Snort and written a language on top of it to satisfy XKeyScore needs.

... You can tag individuals ... Let's say you work at a major German corporation and I want access to that network, I can track your username on a website on a forum somewhere, I can track your real name, I can track associations with your friends and I can build what's called a fingerprint, which is network activity unique to you, which means anywhere you go in the world, anywhere you try to sort of hide your online presence, your identity.He added that the NSA's databank of collected communications allows its analysts to listen "to the minds or read the emails of everything that the NSA has stored, or look at the browsing histories or Google search terms that you've entered, and it also alerts them to any further activity that people connected to that neural network or that IP address do in the future".In an official statement from July 30, 2013, the NSA said "XKeyscore is used as a part of NSA's lawful foreign According to an NSA slide presentation about XKeyscore from 2013, it is a "Edward Snowden said about XKeyscore: "It's a front end search engine" in an interview with the German XKeyscore is a "piece of Linux software that is typically deployed on XKeyscore is considered a "passive" program, in that it listens, but does not transmit anything on the networks that it targets.XKeyscore consists of over 700 servers at approximately 150 sites where the NSA collects data, like "US and allied military and other facilities as well as US embassies and consulates" in many countries around the world.According to an NSA presentation from 2008, these XKeyscore servers are fed with data from the following collection systems:In a single, undated slide published by Swedish media in December 2013, the following additional data sources for XKeyscore are mentioned:From these sources, XKeyscore stores "full-take data", which are indexed by plug-ins that extract certain types of metadata (like phone numbers, e-mail addresses, log-ins, and user activity) and index them in metadata tables, which can be queried by analysts.

Pink Oboe? 3166 and S. 1698)the US government can strip a US citizen of their citizenship and their rights if they are classified as a terrorist.I would be interested to know if there is even one single person in the whole wide world, that NSA would not list as an extremist. The NSA has shared XKeyscore with other intelligence agencies, including the Australian Signals Directorate, Canada's Communications Security Establishment, New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau, Britain's Government Communications Headquarters, Japan's Defense Intelligence Headquarters, and G… XKEYSCORE source code. Mister Six? The more the merrier I guess!I didn't realize I was an extremist. I guess now I have to The source code comments left by these NSA spying extremists, provides us with a clear picture into the culture and mindset of radical NSA spying fanatics.Under the enemy expatriation act ( H.R. ShadowsocksX-NG has just a copy of ss-local from Homebrew, and its GUI code has been rewritten in Swift. XKEYSCORE source code. Contribute to dwiktor/xkeyscore development by creating an account on GitHub. (Assuming there are any it hasn't already listed. Or OWIGITS for short.He needs the name WANG FIRE! It is tempting to assume that expensive, proprietary operating systems and software must power XKEYSCORE, but it actually relies on an entirely open source stack. Any computer that an individual sits at: You can watch it. Within the US, NSA does work hard to fight against freedom.I was going to replace "US" with "world", but then I realized those are basically the same thing to the USGHeads up. Now, many versions down the line, it's automatically "checking for updates". I believe there's a second leaker involved in this. Content data remain on the system for only three to five days, while metadata is stored for up to thirty days.According to a document from an internal GCHQ website which was disclosed by the German magazine For analysts, XKeyscore provides a "series of viewers for common data types", which allows them to query terabytes of raw data gathered at the aforementioned collection sites.

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