Protestantism was established in the Vallée de la Dordogne in 1626. Spécial « Protestants » - La chrétienté et le protestantisme – Histoire des protestants de Chalon sur Saône – Les nouveaux réunis de Couches – Sinode de Couches (1763) – 22 - BULLETIN DU CERCLE GÉNÉALOGIQUE DU PERSONNEL DE LA R.A.T.P. l’avancée de vos recherches. Ardenne was located primarily in Belgium and Luxembourg, but stretched well into Germany and France (lending its name to the Département of Ardennes and the former Champagne-Ardenne.) Protestantism in Angoumois took root in 1533 in Angoulême, La Roche-Foucault-en-Angoulême, Royan. (Source : Les seize provinces synodales (1660) This is the oldest region of France, although some will argue that the city of Paris is even older. Source: Archives des consistoires 1317-1446 – 1520-1740 #TT-230-276B stored at the Archives nationales de France – Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (Paris)Around 1660, the Protestant population of the Basse-Guyenne stood at 97,000 réformés (members of the Reform Church of France,) with 72 temples within the cities of Bordeaux, Sainte-Foy, Bergerac, Clairac, Nérac. The Dauphiné de Viennois from the eleventh century to 1343 was part of the Holy Roman Empire. le généalogiste se réfère est l’état These church registers are available online for free by simply clicking on the dossier of your choice. Registres matricules militaires : Côtes d'Armor, 1867-1940. Its capital city is Angoulême. Registres paroissiaux : Lot-et-Garonne, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle: Collection de 1500 registres ou cahiers paroissiaux du XVIe siècle à la Révolution. format variables.

Today’s département of Pyrénées-Atlantiques covers the same territory. Le plus ancien registre paroissial conservé en Lot-et-Garonne provient des paroisses de Saint-Romain-de-Lastreilles et Saint-Michel-de-Bonaguil (commune de Saint-Front-sur-Lémance) : il date de 1543. Cette collection regroupe des registres catholiques et protestants. Sources: Wikipedia & Archives des consistoires 1317-1446 – 1520-1740 at the Archives nationales de France, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (Paris)This is another ancient region of south-eastern France. Following the French Revolution of the 1790s, Rhône-Alpes was divided into eight regional départements; Ain with 48 Protestant communes (villages, towns, townships, cities), Ardèche with 148 Protestant communes, Drôme with 76 Protestant communes, Isère with 40 Protestant communes, Loire with four Protestant communes, Rhône with six Protestants communes, Savoie with 21 Protestant communes, Haute-Savoie with five Protestants communes.

The majority of those who came to New France were Catholic, but some were Protestant. appliquent, pour la tenue des registres de baptêmes, mariages et Digital Collection. For help understanding these resources, you can use online translation tools such as Google Translate or DeepL.There are two more research guides to come in this series on French Protestants. Institution : Archives départementales de Lot-et-Garonne. In 1349 under Philippe VI de Valois it became a province of France. Here is the link to a 39-page research guide to the Protestants of this area ... Its capital was the city of Agen and consists today of the département of Lot-et-Garonne and a portion of the départements of Tarn-et-Garonne and Gironde. soit que la tenue des registres a été interrompue, soit NOS ANCÊTRES N° 75 – Octobre 2008 Expédition du Mexique – Alexis Prudent Bodier – Peuplement des Caraïbes – Madame sans … It contains information in both English and French.Click on this link to read the 116-page PDF research guide:This guide includes: France Huguenot Family Lineage Searches in various archives in France; French Protestant records on; a description of Protestant Church Registers at various regional archives in France; the region; the authors (books about Protestants in north-west France, including Protestant pastoral church registers began around 1560 in many regions of France.

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