Read more about Award-Winning First Image of the Supermassive Black Hole in M87. Messier 87 (aussi dénommée M87, NGC 4486, ou radiogalaxie Virgo A) est une galaxie elliptique supergéante. Postagem mais recente Postagem mais antiga Página inicial. Trou noir photo : suivez en direct la présentation de la première image d'un trou noir par le projet Event Horizon Telescop ; Pour la première fois une équipe internationale d'astrophysiciens a réussi à obtenir une photo d'un trou noir supermassif M87*, au cœur de la galaxie M87 It was released by the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Wannsee Zwischen dem 12. und dem 30. Photo by U.S Department of Defense.THE WIRELESS BODY-BRAIN-MIND-MODEM-ANTENNA.WHEN AND IF YOU REALIZE WHAT HAPPENED IN THE ASTEROID BELT SOME 4.2-BILLION YEARS AGO, YOU WILL THEN UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE ADVANCED ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. Esta imagen del M87* proviene de observaciones del EHT realizadas el 11 de abril de 2017 y es un ejemplar representativo de las imágenes obtenidas durante la campaña de 2017.

Trou Noir. Enviar por e-mail BlogThis! YOUR APE BODY IS WATER FOR  THE TASK OF UNCONSCIOSNESS_DARKNESS. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Un trou noir se trouve en son centre. A trans-dimensional sector which most people on earth would refer to as a black hole. 670-MILLION ... Ce trou noir supermassif, c’est M87* . This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). So please share all your thoughts…  and yes they will be read.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: In this 1994 photograph by the Hubble Space Telescope, a disk of hot gas was found to be orbiting at the center of this massive elliptical galaxy. The British Rogue Empire still breathes as the Deep State. Le cliché du trou noir M87* enfin révélé Posted by ALIENS ARE IN CHARGE. Ela possui uma grande população de aglomerados globulares e um distinto jato de plasma energético que se origina em seu núcleo e estende-se por pelo menos 4,9 mil anos-luz, viajando em uma velocidade relativista. Several of these mysterious dark figures demonstrated aerial maneuvers that were far beyond the capabilities of human technology.A video shows a 2004 encounter near San Diego between two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets and an unknown object. Baptisé “Powehi”, c’est ce trou noir que l’équipe du projet EHT(2) a choisi de photographier. Stream S15E02 Le Trou Noir de M87 by En route vers les étoiles from desktop or your mobile device The disk is evident on the lower left of the above photograph.

Si vous partez en voyage vers l’Amas de la Vierge, à la distance de 56 millions d’années-lumière, vous arrivez dans la galaxie M87(1). Matter/Solids do not exist as 100%...WIRELESS MIND-MODEM- ANTENNA = ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OF OVER A BILLION YEARS OLD AND WON'T ALLOW HUMANS TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES. The dead will far outnumber the living; and the survivors will be known for Egyptians by their tongue alone, but in their actions they will seem to be men of another race. 1. Un super-télescope virtuel appelé l'Event Horizon Telescope a réussi à photographier M87*, le trou noir supermassif logé au coeur de la galaxie M87.

Il est deux fois plus grand que le système solaire et 6,5 milliards de fois plus massif que notre Soleil. This action will help you transcend the value of time by understanding that when you are typing, you are free. Une première mondiale L'organisation Event Horizon Telescope compte réitérer ses observations pour parvenir à imager le trou noir supermassif de la Voie Lactée.

Messier 87 (M87; também chamada de Virgo A ou NGC 4486) é uma galáxia elíptica supergigante localizada na constelação de Virgem, uma das mais massivas do Universo local. Photo de trou noir : distance, localisation dans l'espace . I.

CONSCIOUSNESS IS FIRE. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration (See the end matter for the full list of authors.) Compartilhar no Twitter Compartilhar no Facebook Compartilhar com o Pinterest. OUR EYES ARE CAMERAS. March 17, 2020. Contrairement aux galaxies spirales en forme de disque, Messier 87 n'a pas de bande de poussière (en) et a une for… We reside in the rift beyond space and time. Also visit

The Blackhole is a place of tremendous energy and ideas, we work with others to help build a foundation for future endeavors. A trans-dimensional  sector which most people on earth would refer to as a black hole. Ces différentes observations apportent ainsi la preuve scientifique de leur existence. Stream S15E02 Le Trou Noir de M87 by En route vers les étoiles from desktop or your mobile device SO STOP BE... by   Tyler Durden Wed, 09/18/2019 - 18:55 20 SHARES Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print Thre...THE WIRELESS 3-D ELECTRO-MAGNETIC UNIVERSE:The ape body is a reformatory and limited to a 2-strand DNA, 5% brain activation running 22+1 chromosomes and without "eyes". C’est un grand pas pour la science: ce mercredi 10 avril, des astronomes ont dévoilé la première photo d’un trou noir supermassif.Sur les réseaux sociaux, l’image a bien évidemment été détournée et il semblerait que tout le monde a eu la même idée en la voyant. Le 10 avril 2019, les premières images d'un trou noir sont publiées, celle de M87*, trou noir supermassif situé au cœur de la galaxie M87. 1974, CARL SAGAN SENT THE FOLLOWING RADIO MESSAGE TO DEEP SPACE, FROM THE ARECIBO RADIO TELESCOPE IN PUERTO RICO: 2017.4.5.

A Black Hole in M87's Center? RSS. Other information may be highly sensitive and may require  being analyzed for long periods of time.The words that are written in this collection come from a deeply rooted place that extends far beyond the mind.

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