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a very beautiful scene and a comfortable 2 hours walk Very impressive and great place for hiking a superb waterfall i really like the Cirque de Gavarnie - beautiful hike! Le site est composé de gradins concentriques d’une symétrie frappante. Situé dans le parc national des Pyrénées, il a même été inscrit en 1997 au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco dans …

Alors, cette aventure sera vraisemblablement plus aisée. It's a natural semi-circle in the mountains, about 3000m wide at the top and around 1500m high.A cirque is a natural opening (like an amphitheatre). Depuis le village de Gavarnie, en 1h de marche facile (à pied ou à cheval), vous vous retrouverez au pied de cette incroyable muraille de 1700 m de hauteur et de 14 km de circonférence.

The village is closed to trafffic from 9am-5pm, so to beat the crowds you must arrive early or park in the town.The Cirque de Gavarnie is a highlight for most holiday-makers making the trip to the Pyrenees.

🙂This incredible lake is near the Pont d'Espagne (Spanish Bridge). The The Cirque de Gavarnie is part of the Pyrénées-Mont Perdu area, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997.

The main path which runs along the left bank of the Gave is down there in front of you, slightly to your right.

There's a large yellow sign warning you where to stop.Honestly, the walk up to the hotel was more than enough- we are not hardened walkers (especially after 3 months at home due to the pandemic!) Ever.It was truly breathtaking- like something out of a movie.The Gavarnie Falls are the second highest waterfall in Europe (422m high) and can be clearly seen from miles away! Sa renommée s’est construite par les diverses explorations qu’il a pu générer. Le Cirque de Gavarnie est l’un des endroits les plus impressionnants et magnifiques des Pyrénées françaises. Deux randonnées célèbres vous mèneront ainsi au pied de la grande cascade.Le Cirque de Gavarnie se trouve dans le parc national des Pyrénées, dont l’accès est Si vous ne disposez pas d’un véhicule pour accéder à Gavarnie. They were closed when we visited so not sure how much they cost.It's FREE to visit the Cirque de Gavarnie. Follow it down to your right as it soon gets back along the river.

After coming around a bend, the road splits, with the road to the right going up and the route we want to take going down to the left.

Le mieux pour visiter le Cirque de Gavarnie, c’est de prévoir une petite randonnée pour admirer le site et arriver jusqu’à la grande cascade. There is a mandatory car park (5 euro fee) in the village by the Office de Tourisme, except of course for visitors who are staying at the campsite or in one of the hotels or guest houses.

The most popular one is La Brèche de Roland (The tiny campsite "La Bergerie", situated south of the village, along the route described below, is a perfect spot to explore the Cirque de Gavarnie and allows you to avoid paying the 5-euro car park fee.Become a Contributor at 10Adventures and share your adventures! Le Cirque de Gavarnie se trouve dans le parc national des Pyrénées, dont l’accès est gratuit.Il faut compter 1 heure de route en voiture au départ de Lourdes pour rejoindre le village de Gavarnie.

Stay on the left bank, passing by a bar called “Le Pailha” (see Insider Tips section below) and meet the road at the first bridge you crossed on the way up, just before the entrance of the village. If you've found it useful, please consider buying us a coffee to show your support. Or hike.You can walk right up to the cirque and the Falls (but NOT with a dog- see below)You can also hire horses and donkeys to ride, you can have a picnic by the river and you can admire the beautiful animals and plants which live in the area.I imagine it would look spectacular in the winter, with snow everywhere. This might be hard for young children or anyone who struggles walking.For the beginning part where it is flat, yes.

Le résulte parle de lui-même : une chaine de montagn… Très simple comme itinéraire, il suffira de suivre la piste carrossable vers l’Hôtel du Cirque et continuer par le sentier au pied du Cirque de Gavarnie et sa Grande Cascade bien visible à l’entrée du site. You cannot come to the Pyrenees without a walk to the stunning Cirque de Gavarnie! Cirque de Gavarnie was amazing. A hike to the Cirque de Gavarnie is the most popular hike in the French Pyrenees. The area is host to some of the highest peaks of the Pyrenees, including the third highest, the Monte Perdido (Mont Perdu in French, 3355m). This is the starting point of the route shown on the map. You can also hire horses or donkeys at the beginning if you wish.

You may even climb the last stairs, minding the steep ground to your right to sit on what looks like a minor summit, which could be a great spot for picnic!Retrace you steps down and veer left to reach the path.

Cirque de Gavarnie is popular for a reason, definitely glad I did this hike!This hike, starting from the Lac d'Orédon, takes you through the wild, magical landscapes of the Néouvielle. Pour comprendre la beauté du site qu’occupe le cirque de Gavarnie, il faut se rappeler qu’elle résulte des bouleversements de la nature eux-mêmes. Yes, it was steep in parts, but it was not as bad as some of the roads we've done. This is a pleasant hike that isn’t too hard.From the car park, head downhill to the main crossroads in the centre of Gavarnie.

The Falls usually freeze in the winter, (when the whole area is covered in snow) but during Spring, Summer and Autumn you can walk right up to them (if you're well-equipped; more on that later)Here's a map, showing the Cirque, parking for motorhomes and cars and where the restaurant/ cafe is, as well as a good picnic spot.The nice thing with the Cirque de Gavarnie is that it is VERY easy to find everything- there's only one road/ path to take!!

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