The difficulty is that you don’t know how much height the viewport will have,I think a few of the methods above can still work. Straightforward and right to the point. Have been working on a client’s site and just chasing my tail. Hang in there Mary. Thanks for breaking it down to so much detail. To make text horizontally center, you have to … I am using the “Absolute Positioning and Negative Margin” approach. Not sure if you wanted to mention it within the article so others won’t suffer the same fate.

Here I’ve used clear: both, but you just need to clear in the same direction you floated the empty floater div.The top edge of the child div should now be immediately below the bottom edge of the floater div. Below are some resources that cover more than a single method for centering.None of the methods above is complicated and I’m sure if you use each once or twice it’ll be easy to use again.The difficultly if there is one is that none of the methods above is perfect for all occasions.

Thank you for the well written content!Very useful post, great compilation and very well explained. Glad I could help.I have been using the following solution (with no positioning, no table-cell/table-row and no line height) since over a year, it works with IE 7 and 8 as well.Thanks for the method. some of the new layout models like flexbox make it easy to vertically center elements. Add some width and height to the div element and align text horizontally center also. I can’t take credit for the methods, since none of them are my creation, but I did my best to find as many as I could that would work and put them all in one place.By the way Steve, doesn’t your e-mail notification work as I checked “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” below, but haven’t received a note about your reply so far.It’s just for your feedback. I wanted to set up a menu page with choices in boxes that change color on mouseover. To do so, place the elements inside a containing element, such as a div, and set a minimum height on it. I was searching working “margin: auto;” method for a long time. Sure. Thank you very much.That what i was looking for a long time, Thank you so much.I prefer use of display:table-cell over display:flex introduced in css3 only if i have to target old browser too otherwise use flexFound your article today while searching how to do the vertical-align: middle;.

I m gonna bookmark this page as I am sure I will be soon getting back to this. Centering elements horizontally is generally easier than vertically centering them. Of the major browsers it’s only Opera Mini and IE9 and below that don’t have support. W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. I've gone over the CSS Position [/news/how-to-use-the-position-property-in-css … Does that mean you got things working?Any of the methods here should work for vertical centering, except where I mention they don’t work in IE.To center things horizontally you need to specify a width on the element and then set the left and right margins to auto.

lol) and is very observant, and I have problems getting it to work on safari. My current solution is a table layout, but it won’t adapt the number of columns to browser width.

Coloring the div borders during testing strangely showed that this extra div doesn’t scale to match the contents but expands to the same size as the table div, but as it doesn’t show it doesn’t matter.Glad I could help Bo. That might be why it doesn’t work for you everywhere.Yeah, the article appears to be a few years old so that makes sense. I wouldn’t say the table and table-cells method is necessarily worse. Is there a petition to sign somewhere?I think it’s a little more difficult than just make it work like everyone expects. A common task for CSS is to center text or images. I almost got mixed up with that, but fortunately find padding solution in your article that works charm. One or the other has always worked for my needs.If neither worked I would reach for either the positioning or floater methods and save the table cell method as a last resort. top Align the top padding edge of the cell with the top of the row. Centering elements vertically with css is something that often gives designers trouble.

Yeah sometimes we don’t need things to actually do what we think they should do. The trick is to understand several of the above and use each appropriately.Some of the methods work better for inline elements and others work better for block level elements. Previously, I had been using tables/table-cells to achieve the same effect, and figured something had to be better…Thanks Aidan. I’d say once that polyfill is ready, flexbox is viable.I think you do need to set the paren as a table if you want the table-cell to be vertically centered. I was in New York last week.

Clearly vertical centring is not as straightforward as I thought it would be.Awesome top, bottom, left, right tip! How do I vertically center text with CSS? Flexbox wasn’t ready for production use when I wrote this post, but that’s the method I would likely use now to center something.I’m working on a book about flexbox now and I’ve been meaning to update this post with a 7th method.For some browsers you need vendor prefixes and if you want to support older versions you also need to use the different versions of the flexbox syntax. We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. With text-align: center in mind, most people look first to However valign only worked on table cells. You also need to use display:table-cell property of CSS to make text vertically center. I’m playing around with it a little now and it seems to be working. By using our site, you

The first modern approach you can take is with flexbox.

The values of the vertical-align property align the element relative to its parent element:With Flexbox, it is possible to align elements vertically (or horizontally) with the The following example works for a text with single and multiple lines. We can then use vertical-align on the child div and set its value to middle. You saved me a lot of headaches.Thanks so much!

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