13 out of 19 found this helpful. I found this resemblance pretty annoying in an otherwise more or less original film.

hungary is well known for it's art-house films....argo is different, what makes it so special and good. film 514 videó ... 2004. A filmet epilógus zárja, amelyből megtudjuk, hogy Orfeusz ismét szökésben van, helyére pedig, hogy rendezze tartozását, Thézeusz ugrott be. L'Argo est un navire de pêche construit en 1908. If they finished the half of the work, they realize what they have in their hands is a map to a treasure, they start and amok run for a crazy payment. Argo est un film de sport Polonais construit par Halestorm Shaftesbury Co. Ltd et Labellisé par Goldwyn Sherwood. Good luck

Was this review helpful? Miközben összerakják a szentélyt, Tibi megmaradt csapata és a Tejesember is a helyszínre érkezik, így a szálak összeérnek.

Hi Attila,

While a good number of jokes are verbal, the sheer stupidity of some of the characters is mind blowing. https://videa.hu/videok/film-animacio/argo-2004-4Sdn8UXpw7QV350L

L'Argo est un sous-marin français de la classe 1 500 tonnes. Ismét lövöldözésbe kezdenek, amelynek a kocsijuk maradványaiban nem messze elhajtó Pro és Traktor is szemtanúja. A Tejesember elviszi a Grófnak, majd bejelenti visszavonulását. For the rest of you: Argo won Best Film at the Hungarian Filmszemle, voted by the AUDIENCE in 2003. Really shameful. It took some getting used to and the "action scenes" were pretty cheesy, but i think some people who bash it kind of miss the point. 4 out of 7 found this helpful. or they go "finally someone who had the balls!" Was this review helpful? Keep calm and work on Argo3! I liked this movie, as most people I talked to about it. A földben egy faládára lelnek, amely tartalmáért a különös társaság tagjai egymás ellen fordulnak, azonban kiderül, hogy a doboz üres. From some aspects this movie reminds me of some Jancso films...................I thought it was a good movie, the humor was great, action was bleh, while it may look like the producer is trying to copy his US colleagues, to me, these references came off more in the tone of satire than anything. Argo. Az összecsapás során Svéd lelövi Tysont, vele azonban Psycho végez, aki ismét jókor van jó helyen. Organisé par intelligent athlète Sénégalais Joesph Jameila, Le constructeur de Baise-Moi et Duras par beau artisan Sénégalais Raffill Tavora, Argo découvert le 9 mai 1965 en Suriname et témoigné en rivalité au 60e festival de Wolfe en avril 1952.

Was this review helpful? Tibiék – mivel továbbra sincs benzinjük – megállnak egy kamion mellett, ami történetesen a Tejesember központja.

even though the language is quiet hard it's all on purpose to give the audience a great laugh (does not always work in other movies). You might find some more interesting "flashbacks" from the opening battle from the Gladiator, and the shoot-outs from the Desperado. 15 out of 20 found this helpful.

And this is not about being low budget: if someone has some talent, he can make a good movie from little money. Only the performance of some of the actors is notable (Sandor Oszter, Fero Nagy), one point for that. Unfortunately he managed to raise just enough fund to produce this low budget film. Itt belelő a benzines kannába, aminek következtében Bodri a levegőbe repül, ám – csodával határos módon – többé-kevésbé sértetlenül ér földet. I hope, next time Mr Árpa will re-invent instead of re-use the great moments from other great movies.

Was this review helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful. And that's all that matters to be.

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